Sunday, May 17, 2020

Race, Racial Segregation And Environmental Justice

Race affects the geographical location where people live. Several authors have examined the relationship between race and residential location within cities, and have come to the conclusion that race clearly determines where one resides. The thesis developed in this paper is that people of colour or Blacks usually occupy those areas in the city that are considered high risk, either in terms of how close they are to environmental hazards or in terms of how they are located in low lying areas. The concepts that will be dealt with in this paper are those of environmental racism, racial residential segregation and environmental justice. Social construction is seen as relegating people of colour to certain neighbourhoods, and while it may be accepted as the way things are, a closer assessment of the situation through research studies show that there is nothing casual about the observations, but that there is a system of racism that underlies the decisions that are made, and that accounts for the residential location of Blacks in certain parts of the city. This paper examines this idea by looking at many cities throughout the United States, which point to the same trend, to the location of lack in places of environmental hazard, whether topographical or industrial. One of the geographical characteristics of cities is the proportion of low-lying areas that exists. Studies have been carried out to examine residential segregation. The theory that was being studied was whetherShow MoreRelatedEnvironmental And Environmental Disaster Of The United Church Of Christ Commission On Racial Justice1424 Words   |  6 PagesThe number of white residents living within a mile of treatment and environmental toxic disposal facilities has increased. Environmental justice advocates have discovered the disproportionate placement of hazardous waste facilities in low-income communities of color throughout the United States. California, specifically, is a culturally diverse state with changing demographics and major issues with pollution. Although pollution and waste is a widespread problem, it has been more negatively impactfulRead MoreRacism and Social Injustice Essay1270 Words   |  6 Pagesindicators that the racial environment is changing. Environmental pollution and racism are connected in more ways than one. 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The articles, Survival and Death in New Orleans: An Empirical Look at the Human Impact of Katrina written byRead MoreRace, Race And Racism Essay1396 Words   |  6 Pagesrhetorical commentary overview, that is used to examine and develop a better understanding of the terms, race and racism in society (critical race theory) (Stefancic and Delgado 1995, 177). By using the critical race theory and examining incidents of police misconduct, this will determine whether or not race plays a crucial factor. Additionally, this project encompasses a vast knowledge of the criminal justice system and the police departments of the United States of America. Furthermore, one must keep in

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